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Department of Forensic Sciences

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Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) Request for Testing

The Forensic Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences (DFS) serves as the point of contact for request for testing between DFS and our customers. To help ensure your request is processed efficiently, please review the following FAQs concerning the request submission process at DFS.

What type of testing can be submitted? 

Testing requests for the DFS Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) can be submitted. The DFS’ Forensic Science Laboratory Division (FSL) collects, examines, analyzes, and reports on physical evidence submitted in criminal cases.

How do I know which unit(s) to select for the items being tested?

  • Evidence Processing: Physical swabbing/printing of items
  • Forensic Biology Unit: Analysis of biological tissues, such as blood, semen and skin
  • Forensic Chemistry Unit: Analysis of controlled substances and drug analysis
  • Latent Fingerprint Unit: Examines prints, both visible and latent, left behind from the friction ridge on human skin, typically the fingertips
  • Firearms Examination Unit: Comparison of bullets and cartridges to determine possible sources for firing

What happens after I submit my request?

The information you have provided will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy. DFS FIU will contact you if we have any questions about your request, or if your request’s processing requires further action. By submitting the request, you agree that the lab will select the appropriate method(s) to perform the task.

How do I submit a testing request to DFS FIU?

You can fill out all forms online and will automatically receive an emailed copy of the completed form.

Complete the FSL Request for Testing webform.

Can I check the status of my submission?

Yes. FIU can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone (202) 481-3869.